We're baaaaaaaaaack and we're baaaaaaaaaad !
That's Betsy Bird of Fuse # 8 with her rhyming hat on!
And bad bad Betsy Bird will be joining us--daring YOU to write a worse poem than her poem. Betsy has even promised to dive into her high school journals for bad inspiration!
Oh sure, there are much loftier blogs celebrating National Poetry Month with stanzas of worthwhile poems. This isn't one of them.
Bad poets need a place to gather and have fun, too, right? So please join us for Bad Poetry Friday!
The Rhymes, They Are A Changing
(sung to the tune of Bob Dylan’s Times They Are A Changing)
Come gather ‘round Bad Poets wherever you roam
And admit that the oddities in publishing have grown
No need to like blogging—you’ve found your new home
If your bad poem to you is worth saving…
We’d better start laughing, or we’ll feel all alone
For the rhymes, they are a changing…
Yes indeedy folks.
It's time once again for
Bad Poetry Friday right here on the Imaginary Blog.
Here’s how to play…
Just make up really bad rhymes poking good-natured fun at the craziness of the children’s book world. Then send in your bad rhyme (any day of the week) to BadPoetryFriday@gmail.com (no attachments, please)
Everyone’s invited--writers, editors, marketing folks, librarians, agents, reviewers, booksellers, and readers—cast your meter to the wind and send us your BAD POETRY please.
I’ll post the best (or the worst) every Friday.
Let me know if you want to be credited or anon.
8 short lines max
6 or 4 lines even better.
2 lines might be best of all.
We’re going for short here, folks--
Because if it’s gonna be bad, it better be brief!
Come creative people, please heed the call
Send us BAD POETRY, or no poetry at all…
Forecast: Bad Poems with a Chance of Laughter.
Oh, and we're cooking up some really bad poetry prizes, too. Wouldn't you love to win The Mal-de-cott?
Send your bad poems soon to see if you can beat Betsy Bird at bad.
And come back Friday to see who wins.
For a few of our previous bad poets, take a look here at Jim Averbeck, here at Marsha Morrow, here at M.T. Anderson, and here at 7 Imps' Jules and Eisha! We're sure you could do worse. That's the spirit!
Of course if you want to read some good poetry this month, go here, here, or here!
And if you are artistically inclined, I'd love to have a nifty Bad Poetry Friday logo. Any volunteers?
© 2009 by Lynn E. Hazen of Lynn E. Hazen's Imaginary Blog. All rights reserved.
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