(For info & to register, please download a pdf here)

Optional: Feel free to bring any children's art, photos, kid-painted papers, collage items, favorite markers, etc. (Or any scrap-booking type materials you might like to use in your Make & Take sample books).
Encouraged: If you've already made any books with children, please bring some samples to show.
This "Make and Take" Hands-On Workshop For Adults will be led by Lynn E. Hazen, www.LynnHazen.com who has an M.A. in Early Childhood Education, & an M.F.A. in Writing For Children and Young Adults; and Debbie Vuong, MFT. www.debbievuongmft.com

Location: St. Francis Lutheran Church, 152 Church St. SF. 94114
(near the J Church Street Car line. Neighborhood parking nearby okay on Sat.)
(Many thanks to Friends of St. Francis for their support of this event)
To register, please copy and mail the form below with your check to:
Lynn Hazen, PO Box 40097, San Francisco, CA 94140
You can also download a pdf of this info here to print & mail (or send to your friends--please do! There's a discount for groups of 4 or more)
Phone number_____________________________________
How did you hear about this workshop?_________________
Registration fee for the workshop is $75. per person
* $5.00 Early Registration Discount if received by April 19th.
** Groups of 4 or more may take an additional $5. discount if registrations are mailed together in the same envelope. Please list names and emails on reverse of this form of all 4 people if registering together for the group registration discount. Thanks!
Registration Fee: $75.00
*Early Reg Discount - <____>
** Group of 4 Discount - <____>
Total $ ________
Please make checks payable to: Lynn Hazen
Circle YES if you need a receipt.
Make receipt out to: ___________________________________________
To register, please mail form above with your check to: Lynn Hazen, PO Box 40097, San Francisco, CA 94140
Any questions? Please email: PreschoolLynn@gmail.com

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