Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Juggernauts are on a Roll! And They're Just in Time for Bad Poetry Friday!

Yikes, imaginary readers, look out...

Jules & Eisha at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast promised me weeks ago that they'd send me a "wretched poem" for the Imaginary Blog's Bad Poetry Friday contest--a poem in two voices no less.

They've been poetry-building back and forth for weeks now.

How bad is it? Come back bright and early Friday morning to see. It'll bloggle your mind so have your coffee mugs ready....

In the meantime, I bet I wasn't the only one running to the dictionary to find the meaning of Juggernaut. So perhaps one picture from Project Gutenberg and a definition from Wikipedia will come in handy?

"The Car of Juggernaut, as depicted in the 1851 Illustrated London Reading Book"

"The word is derived from the Sanskrit Jagannātha[1] (meaning "Lord of the universe") which is one of the many names of Krishna from the ancient Vedic scriptures of India...A juggernaut is a term used to describe a force regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path..."

Find out more at

And if you squint your eyes at the picture above I am sure you'll see Jules & Eisha. And why are we talking about Juggernauts? See Jules' Pyramidy Thingy and her explanation that follows on June 28's Tale of 3 Blogs below.

Bad Poetry Friday? Here's how to play.

Forecast: The Rhymes They Are a Changing

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