Friday, May 23, 2008

Time For Bad Poetry Friday-- I'm Just Not Sure This Poem is Bad...

Hello Imaginary Readers,
We're back for Bad Poetry Friday and as you recall, Kathi Appelt (from our interview earlier this week) promised us a bad poem.
Use the comments function to help us decide. Bad or not, Kathi provided a poem so of course, I win the bet, right?

Lynn: I have a bet with my Evil Twin, Ellen Yeomans, that you cannot write a bad poem. (she betting you cannot, and I’m hoping against all odds--
betting on the longshot that maybe, just maybe you have a fun bad poem just aching to be set free—plus I want to win the bet! So do you happen to have a discarded bad poem handy for our Bad Poetry Friday contest? Please, please please say yes.

Kathi: Okay, I think this one is pretty awful.

It’s called “Petunias”:

But do we really need
Petunias when there
Are roses as far
As the eye can see?

Daffodils in perfect
rows along
Exeter Avenue,
Such an orderly
Progression of
Starry faces.

Where should we
Put petunias
When there are
And snap dragons.

You will vote for
Petunias if there
Are gladiola
On the ballot?

Forecast: Voting voting everywhere.

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